Word Trek
Here you can find all your Word Trek 3x3 answers, cheats, and solutions. Word Trek is a new and fun game by Playsimple. If you like crosswords, Sudoku, and Boggle, then you are going to LOVE this game. It starts off easy, but quickly becomes harder. If you are having any trouble, then checkout this page to get all your hint needs.
Here you can find all the answers for amoeba, earthworm, spider, caterpillar, butterfly, ant, honeybee, beetle, starfish, snail, crab, goldfish, frog, dinosaur, turtle, crocodile, snake, owl, chipmunk, and rabbit.
Word Trek randomizes levels for each player. To find your answers locate the first row of your puzzle.
A D F ------ > ADF
Levels are ordered alphabetically.
AAN Sauna, Aqua,
ABE Crime, Bail,
AGE Wire, Gauze,
AIN Brain, Left,
ALN Aisle, Lane,
ALO Straw, Cola,
ANG Angel, Fish,
ANS Tuna, Steak,
AWK Quick, Draw,
BGB Bunny, Bugs,
BID Rabid, Wolf,
BIR Bird, Wings,
BKY Happy, Book,
BLE Blue,
BLE Pop, Bubble,
BLO Bulb, Onion,
BOT Brazen, Pot,
CAS Brief, Case,
CEA Cake,
CHI Chill, Wind,
CIC Spicy, Rice,
CKC Coal, Black,
CLE Icy, Cooler,
COM Cream, Soap,
CRS Car, Screen,
CTP Coat, Paint,
CUA Action, Cut,
DAR Clear, Dice,
DCB Spade, Club,
DOS Food, Spicy,
DSS Grass, Wild,
DTH Mad, Hatter,
DUD Dark, Cloud,
DUN Cloud, Nine,
EAC Tea, Coffee,
EAE Mince, Meat,
EDF Fists, Wide,
EEF Beef, Bacon,
EEM Media, Free,
EFI Knife, Shot,
EGM Large, Mass,
EHT Bite, Teeth,
EIH Harp, Pixie,
ELW Spin, Wheel,
EOB Black, Hole,
ERE Clue, Trace,
ERR River, Raft,
ESA Stair, Case,
EUB Brute, Bull,
EUY Empty, Drum,
EVE Ever, Green,
EZZ Dame, Dizzy,
FAS Nails, File,
FCE Fraud, Case,
FEH Fiery, Heat,
FRD Feast, Card,
FRE Hoe, Farmer,
FRR Offer, Form,
FSE Love, First,
FTN Foot, Print,
GCL Song, Lyric,
GDO Gold,
GHT Bull, Fight,
GIT Left, Right,
GUR Squid, Girl,
HAI Hail, Storm,
HIT Shy, Piglet,
HTF Light, Foot,
HUK Earth, Luck,
HUR Queer, Fish,
ICN Sail, Ocean,
IEM Idiom, Verb,
ILF Edge, Cliff,
IML Genie, Lamp,
IUB Liquid, Pub,
KAD Ghost, Dark,
KCI Chop, Stick,
KDB Blood, Bank,
KHI Sake, Sushi,
KIR Paper, Kite,
KNT Wake, Trunk,
KZZ Look, Fuzzy,
LAZ Lazy, Ninja,
LCV Well, Voice,
LDW Final, Wind,
LEF Batch, File,
LFR Error, Fail,
LIM Snail, Mail,
LOH Holly, Hock,
LOP Dial, Phone,
LOV Song, Vocal,
LRE Livid, Rage,
LTE Large, Tree,
MAG Rogue, Mage,
MEA Star, Movie,
MIF Merry, Fair,
MNL Melon, Musk,
MNT Quaint, Man,
MOO Moon, Light,
MUF Muffin, Eat,
MUH Lunch, Menu,
NEN Pen, Needle,
NEY Money, Fund,
NLN Lotion, Tan,
NNG Zen, Garden,
NOD Piston, Rod,
NOS Poison, Ivy,
NPP News, Paper,
NSE Shoe, Shine,
OCC Hook, Catch,
OCE Surf, Ocean,
OEO Soot, Smoke,
OER Lemon, Race,
OLT Raft, Float,
ONR Piano, Riff,
OOB Yo, Boombox,
OOU Spoon, Soup,
OSE Dune, Oasis,
PAH Quip, Laugh,
PEG Page,
PER Plug, Water,
PHA Soda, Punch,
PHT Tune, Pitch,
PNE Paw, Feline,
POY Toy, Poodle,
PRP Pulp, Paper,
QAY Quirky, Art,
QIB Quick, Buck,
QUA Quark, Coin,
RAZ Razor, Edge,
RBN Ration, Buy,
RBT Toe, Rubber,
RCW Cork, Screw,
RDU By, Product,
REA Boat, Stern,
RET Heart, Beat,
RET Pirate, Map,
RLI Alien, Race,
ROD Door,
RTD Cover, Dart,
RTW Elk, Winter,
RUS Rock, Music,
SCT Act, Script,
SDI Dime, Deals,
SEE Sea, Voyage,
SEN Oxygen, Gas,
SEZ Gaze, Stars,
SHE Hot, Shower,
SHS Snake, Hiss,
SIE Slip, Slide,
SIE Slope, Skis,
SKA Snow, Flake,
SLI Sails, Ahoy,
SLM Oats, Maple,
SOG Song,
SQE Quill, Stem,
SQU Squat, Lift,
SRE Evil, Smirk,
SRE Shoe, Horse,
SRT Game, Sport,
SRT Water, Moss,
SSH Chips, Fish,
STA Blew, Steam,
SUY Dry, Cactus,
SWK Husk, Straw,
SWN Selfie, Own,
TAH South, East,
TEP Pixie, Dust,
TET Wet, Turtle,
TGN Tent, Night,
TIG Tight, Rope,
TIY Yoga, Twist,
TOA Boat,
TOR Raw, Carrot,
TOS Dart, Scoot,
TPR Twerp, Twit,
TRN Twist, Turn,
TSA Last,
TSF Mint, Fresh,
TYE Crypt, Code,
TYT Hefty, Tall,
UMN Fly, Nimbus,
UQK Bird, Quack,
UST Joust, Game,
VEO Love,
VOS Worm, Virus,
WEF Elbow, Fire,
WEN North, West,
WLS Glass, Wool,
WOF Flow,
XAZ Crazy, Taxi,
YAH On, Holiday,
YAK Kayak, Rock,
YEU Up, Chimney,
YGF Unity, Flag,
YNT Cycle, Tiny,
YRO Harbor, Bay,
YSH Jelly, Fish,
YTR Sky, Rocket,
ZOR Zoo, Keeper,
Good game for older kids not good for little kids because they might not know a lot of the words that they are guessing.
My word starts with kLo in the answers there is no kLO